R00Ts Hardware
for Immersive VR Experiences


Whether you're interested in dancing, acting, performing music or simply hanging out with friends in a 3D environment – having good and stable hardware makes all the difference when we look at embodiment and interactions in VR. With a good quality headset and controllers plus additional full-body trackers, your VR adventures will probably feel more immersive. We at R00TS CLUB are big believers in full-body-tracking so we put together some recs and tips to get you started.


VR Headset (when i don´t go wireless)

  • Valve Index (wired Headset from 2019) with Index Controllers (they have capacity tracking for individual fingers)

  • 3x Gen2 Base Stations 


Wireless setup for Pole Performances

  • HTC Vive Pro

  • HTC Vive Wireless Adapter (cooled with a usb fan)

  • Index Controllers (strapped around my wrists for pole)

  • Silicone pole! The reflections of a chrome pole cause tracking glitches with base station tracking

  • 4x Gen2 Base Stations 



  • HTC Wireless Adapter is rather old technology from 2018 - some units did cause Headburns on people in the past.

  • The headsets i am currently using are fairly old (Valve Index released in 2019 / Vive Pro in 2018) and therefore i can´t really recommend to buy them now. I am hoping for new releases from Valve and Somnium Space in the meantime.

On the horizon


HTC Vive wireless adapter original battery clip

HTC Vive wireless adapter
original battery clip

20000mAh /3.7V 74Wh battery powers Vive wireless adapter for ~4 hours

20000mAh /3.7V 74Wh battery
powers Vive wireless adapter for ~4 hours

Tundra Tracker 3x set
with simple loop straps

Tundra Tracker on thick belt (can also hold a battery clip)

Tundra Tracker on thick belt
(can also hold a battery clip)

HTC Vive Trackers
with straps on heels

HTC Vive Trackers on regular
sport shoes with just a camera screw

Tundra Tracker
with simple loop strap on socks

Valve Index setup
with 3x basestations

HTC Vive wireless adapter receiver

HTC Vive
wireless adapter receiver

HTC Vive Pro with wireless adapter battery pack on DIY trackers strap/belt

HTC Vive Pro with wireless adapter battery pack on DIY trackers strap/belt

HTC Vive wireless adapterwith DIY battery belt

HTC Vive Pro wireless adapter
with DIY battery belt

Wearing HTC Vive Pro with wireless adapter and usb fan + spin around pole

Wearing HTC Vive Pro with wireless adapter and usb fan + spin around pole

Fully Immerse Yourself
in a Virtual Environment

As a creator, you can use virtual reality (VR) to explore new dimensions of your art form and make audiences feel like they’re truly part of the experience itself. Virtual reality allows creators to explore new ways of storytelling and art dimensions.

You can go beyond just using a headset and controllers to fully immerse yourself in a virtual environment. Full body tracking makes you feel like you're really there – just as if you were actually standing inside the virtual world.

For dancers, theater artists, and performance artists, this means being able to push the boundaries of reality.

The Freedom of Movement

One of the most exciting aspects of virtual reality is its ability to provide freedom of movement. Instead of having to rely on physical sets, dancers can move freely within an entirely digital environment, allowing them to express their ideas without any limitations.

Your movements are tracked with pinpoint accuracy so that everything feels natural and realistic. When combined with immersive visuals and sound design, this creates an unparalleled experience that puts you right into the middle of all the action.

In addition to allowing creators to explore new dimensions of their art form, virtual reality also has the power to make audiences feel like they’re truly part of the experience itself.

What Can I Do With Full-Body Tracking In A Virtual Environment?


Dancers are able to explore the possibilities of virtual reality (VR) and create choreography inside of a virtual space. As VR technology advances, dancers in virtual reality can push their imagination even further and use this medium to convey new immersive stories. With motion tracking technology integrated into headsets, you can create choreography inside of a virtual space. 

Using VR for Performance Art

Theater companies have started incorporating VR into their sets by creating interactive props or immersive environments that allow performers to become completely immersed in their roles. 


You can use motion capture software and facial recognition technology to create animations or live action footage inside of an immersive 3D world. (link example)

Hanging Out with Friends

VR technology has made it possible for people to connect with one another over long distances.