VRoid Avatar series with R00T

Nov 19, 2022 - Dec 10, 2022

Part 1 // Making a custom VRoid

This Caturday we made a custom VRoid and exported it as .vrm. 

VRoid Studio is a 3D character creation tool for anime like looking avatars. It is free to use and you have commercial rights on the models you create!

We can already use the VRoid right out of VRoid Studio in Web3 platforms that integrated the standard VRM format but throughout the next Caturdays we will also bring this VRoid to Unity and then upload it to Somnium Space.

The created VRoid can also just be used as a base model and you can make adjustments/new looks with this base for example in Blender or other VR 3D modelling tools.

VRoid Studio
3D Character Creation Software

VRoid Studio is a 3D character creation tool for anime-like-looking avatars. It is free to use, and you have commercial rights to the models you create! Intuitive controls and high customizability Beginners to advanced players can create original characters.

VRoid Studio

Can I use the models created with VRoid Studio Stable Ver. for commercial purposes?

The models created with VRoid Studio Stable Ver. can be used for commercial purposes. When you use VRoid Studio Stable Ver. to make your avatars, textures, etc., pixiv wants you to use your creations freely for all kinds of purposes.

Usage right details

Part 2 // Import a custom VRoid to Unity

We used the Pokemori VRM Converter for VRChat to import our VRoid into Unity. In Unity we changed the material of the VRM toon shader and added a custom hat to the headbone. 

Plugin on Booth

Part 3 // Import a custom VRoid to Somnium Space

In this Caturday session, we used the UniVRM Unity package and the Somnium Space avatar SDK to upload our custom VRoid to Somnium.

It's important to only import the VRM Shaders from the UniVRM Unity package as the current Somnium Space Unity Version does not support UniGLTF.


!Important! we only need to import VRMshaders from this package

Somnium SDK


VR Pole Performance by R00T // Black Sun at Raindance Immersive Awards Ceremony & Party


Installing and testing the beta of Blender plugin FreebirdXR